Monday, 23 November 2009

This week has been another hectic one at the guild. The good news is that my knee is a lot better and i'm now able to do a lot more work.

The motion I helped with passed this Guild council which was very exciting - I hope to see a water fountain near you soon!!!

I have now produced a petition for womens only swimming sessions at the Munrow Sports Centre - please join the facebook gorup to sign it if you're interested:

I've been helping out with the timeswitch campaign to help reduce burglaries in Selly Oak which is being run by the Community Wardens. Also as a newly elected member of the Elections committe i've also monitered my first election which was very exciting.

Dissertation work is really piling up so I hope that come next term i'll have a bit more time to achieve more things.

If theres anything peopel want done please don't hesitate to ask me,

Thursday, 5 November 2009

My knee continued....

I was told that adding photos to blogs makes them more interesting!!!!!

My knee and the guild

Since my last blog a terrible thing has occured..... I've dislocated my knee :-( So if you see me hobbiling around campus please be nice! Due to this i'm unfortunatley quite behind on my work (academic and guild) but i'm trying hard now to catch up.

I very much enjoyed the fisrt guild council of term - how i've missed it! Also it was very nice to sit with the Officer team - but it was always an ambition to sit at the other side of the chambers - just not the same on the left hand side!

Currently i'm looking into Women's only swimming sessions at the Munrow Sports centre and am speaking to the university faith groups about how much demand there will be for it. I'm also putting my name on my first ever guild motion!!! (lets hope it passes!) Its about lobbying the university to put water fountains into all the buildings on campus ('Water, water everywhere...but not a drop to drink!)

Also as a now temporarily disabled student I have found it interesting the amount of places I am finding it hard to access on campus - I am compilling a list of difficulties at the moment to have a look into. On a positive note however to university are extremely efficient in distributing car disabled passes which is good.

Progress since my last blog....Ed can now officially see my calendar!!!!!!!!! No excusses not to meet me now.....