Monday, 23 November 2009

This week has been another hectic one at the guild. The good news is that my knee is a lot better and i'm now able to do a lot more work.

The motion I helped with passed this Guild council which was very exciting - I hope to see a water fountain near you soon!!!

I have now produced a petition for womens only swimming sessions at the Munrow Sports Centre - please join the facebook gorup to sign it if you're interested:

I've been helping out with the timeswitch campaign to help reduce burglaries in Selly Oak which is being run by the Community Wardens. Also as a newly elected member of the Elections committe i've also monitered my first election which was very exciting.

Dissertation work is really piling up so I hope that come next term i'll have a bit more time to achieve more things.

If theres anything peopel want done please don't hesitate to ask me,

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are taking an interest in my work! Any questions don't hesistate to ask,
